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The Gift Of Life

April 22nd - May 18th

April 22nd - May 18th



Tell me, Do any of these sound like you?

  • Do you have a hard time trusting yourself, your intuition, your desires - and wish someone would just give you a roadmap to your life, highlighting the picnic spots?

  • Are you really hard on yourself and can‘t seem to stop that negative inner chat.

  • Do you feel like there is something more to life?

  • Do you get easily irritated and frustrated?

  • Do you feel stuck in life?

  • Do you know you have something great to offer the world but can‘t find what it is.

  • Do you feel that you have to try to control situations and people in order to feel safe?

  • Do you feel you have to constantly prove that your‘re right or you're good?

  • Do you struggle to say no?

  • Do you walk up in the morning with a sense of heaviness and with an unwillingness to face your day?

  • Do you feel circumstances and situations are working against you?

  • Do you long for a deeper connection within your relationships or with the Infinite?

  • Do you hold tension and stress in your body?

  • Do you suffer with anxiety, lack of confidence and insecurity?

  • Do you feel uncomfortable with other people trusting you?

  • Do you feel that you are always getting things wrong?

Now, imagine what your life would be like if...

  • You trusted your intuition and allowed yourself to show up for a more free, joyful, sweet and inspired life and sense of self.

  • Your inner monologue was filled with more kindness and compassion..and maybe more humour too.​

  • Your life was filled with enhanced enthusiasm, purpose and meaning.

  • You experience the irritations and frustrations of life with a greater ease and grace.

  • You could celebrate your whole imperfect self.

  • You become someone who exudes that mystery of inner knowing and calm.

  • You move through your day with perception and a sense of openness. 

  • You are free from feelings of victimisation.

  • You feel more at ease and that you are expressing your true self.

Wouldn't‘ it be nice to be able to say the following?

  • I trust that what’s meant for me, will be.

  • I appreciate and like who I am.

  • I feel open and embracing of what lies ahead.

  • I am inspired by life and the person I am becoming.

  • I feel more relaxed and am able to express myself freely.

  • I am experiencing more loving, supportive and meaningful relationships.

  • I feel connected to nature.

  • I am aware of what I‘m feeling and I trust my feelings.

  • I feel more connected to everything around me.

  • I am able to receive graciously in my daily experiences.

Here‘s the reality: There is a life where you totally accept and trust in yourself.

There is a real way to get there!


You will grow. You will evolve. You will transform and move beyond the boundaries of your life through embracing a practical approach to internal transformation and dedication to the practices presented in this program and turning your attentions to five key areas that anyone can implement successfully that will be revealed through the program.



Life is a beautiful gift that we have all been blessed with and the potential depths and levels of our experience of life is infinite.


When the time is right and the commitment is whole and natural then life comes to meet us and bless us on our journey. When we turn toward embracing life and our quest for liberation and freedom it evokes an inexpressible desire which accompanies a new birth in our consciousness.

In a broad way there are two choices we can make in life. We either get involved with the cosmic mystery of our spiritual evolution or we go shopping. I‘m not sure we can do both, but I do believe in the truth that when we turn toward awakening spirit within and make our growth and expansion the priority in our lives then the rest takes care of itself. Once spirit starts to awaken within then our choice is made and we can never really settle for anything less than our yearning for evolution.

For the most part humanity has suffered immensely from division where we have split what belongs together. We‘ve split the mind from the heart and body. The human from humanity. The human from the divine and the divine and human from nature.

This program will reveal the bridge inside of ourselves, to carry us across the challenging limitations that we have created. To bring us to a truth and a goodness that has eluded us. To reveal a bright new way, a sacred mystery, a miraculous sweet gift...the gift of life.

The bridge that unites us and leads us toward a deeper more meaningful existence and to a reclamation of the forgotten parts of ourselves is and always has been there waiting for us to take the first step.

But for one reason or another it has eluded many. There were to many distractions at times that made us turn a different way. Sometimes we glimpsed it or had a feeling of it but we couldn’t quite bring ourselves to believe it. Sometimes we boldly put a foot out but the vulnerability that it required from us to trust that we would not be let down but graciously held was unbearably paralysing. And sometimes it just felt all too much to redeem that frightened part of ourselves that was trying to control. Like some splinter in our consciousness that‘s broken which made us feel exiled and disconnected and unable to cross the bridge to embrace the knowingness of eternal unity to which all souls are promised.

The reality of life is alive with infinite possibility and if we can make a start and orient our hearts then we are already engaged and we are brought forward to receive the light which reveals the next step. However the light of the following step will only be revealed when the stepping begins to happen and the mystery of it all begins to unfold.


 We are all unique expressions of spirit therefore no two journeys in life are the same and there‘s a blessing in that. We walk individual paths to the ones we love and the beauty and lonesomeness of that is an incredible mystery and an incredible sacrament. 

Life seems to love magnetic interims where things that are separate discover each other and awaken to belong. Where the invisible becomes visible. Where the unknown becomes known. Where fact turns into possibility and where darkness turns into light.


Life becomes a phenomenal gift when we allow ourselves to open and to receive the blessings of creation and the return home to our true nature.

Come if you feel the call...


You are lovingly invited and warmly welcomed.

The purpose of this program is to orient you towards establishing within the ancient and eternal values of human life that lead to a compelling truth, a unification of heart, mind and feelings and the awakening of spirit.

When we stand back a little we can then see that the spirit and soul dimensions are not inaccessible but are actually the primary source which enable everything to flow. We then become aware that the invisible world is a hidden resource that can be released and utilised for our evolution. 


To receive the most from this program it would be beneficial but not compulsory to align to the following..

  • Be open to an honest and heartfelt enquiry and engagement with yourself and your relationship with life.

  • Take responsibility for your feelings, attitudes and behaviours with a willingness to learn from them.

  • Commit to making your growth and evolution your priority.

  • Develop inspiring daily practices which support you.

  • Embrace the dreams you may of postponed.

  • Allow your imagination and creativity to fly.

  • Smile 


Program Contents

  • Inspiring and transformational daily practices.

  • Group workshops to create loving support and connection.

  • One on one private sessions customised to your time.

  • Group remote lightstreams focused on the individual and the group as a whole to create change.

  • Individual remote lightstreams focused on your personal needs.

  • Group clearing gatherings to powerfully amplify the group energy.

  • Meditation audios to clear, to connect and to profoundly impact the subconscious.

  • Telegram group to offer extra personal support.

  • Bonus gift.


group workshops


Duration approx 60 mins

We will start this beautiful journey together by gathering as a group on zoom on Saturday evening 22nd April.


This is offered as an introduction to the program, to meet and connect with each other, to set intentions and to answer any questions. It will also include a group Lightstream clearing to pave the way for going deeper as we immerse into the program.

We will also end the program together as a group on zoom on Saturday 22nd April. All workshops will be recorded and a replay will be sent to you.

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Private session


Duration approx 55 mins per session


Private Sessions are an amazing opportunity to focus on your very own specific individual needs within a safe, relaxed space which allows for a deeper transformation and for healing to occur.

The focus of your private sessions are to clear the energetic blocks and the unconsciously held limitations within the physical, the emotional and also the etheric bodies which have often been carried through many lifetimes.

This may lead to a greatly enhanced physical and emotional well being and a deep sense of transformation.

Resulting in an embodied sense of peace and connection with the self and the Infinite.

 The private sessions have often been experienced as a feeling of peace, rejuvenation, joy, understanding, openness and a heightened spiritual awareness.


Group remote 



Duration approx 44 mins per session

Remote lightstreams are experienced remotely and not in person, rather they are experienced remotely wherever you are and whatever location you are in.

Together with your personal and individual intentions and also with the group intentions as a whole we open to the profound power of the Infinite. During these sessions people can experience deep transformation and healing.

This can at times be consciously experienced or the results can be experienced  over a period of time, depending on your situation.

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individual remote lightstream



Duration approx 11 mins per session

Remote lightstreams are experienced remotely and not in person.

 Together with your own  intentions we will focus specifically on your personal requirements only. This process will also further open and deepen your connection to the Infinite.

The results are often experienced as an enhanced connection and wellbeing and often greater focus and clarity.


group clearing gatherings


Duration TBC

Each week there will be optional group clearing sessions held on zoom. The focus of these group sessions is offered to introduce the beautiful and radically transformational power of prayer.

You will be shown and guided to consciously use your thoughts, words and actions to create peace and transformation within yourself, your lives, your families and friends and even your beloved animal companions. Also your lineage and all those who have passed.


These prayer sessions are not linked to any religious teachings or practices of any kind.


Prayer is a loving creative communication.

A way of developing an inspiring and delightfully intimite relationship with the Infinite whilst also effectively sweeping away negativity.


The length of these gatherings will be flexible and dependant on what will be of most benefit to all in the group. You are completely free to choose your level of participation during these and all sessions.

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 bonus gifts





price and value breakdown


3 Group Workshops

Normal Price - £300

Your Price - £100

4 Private Sessions

Normal Price - £600

Your Price - £450

4 Group Remote


Normal Price - £200

Duration 60mins

Your Price - Free

4 Individual Remote


Duration 11mins

Normal Price £60

Your Price - Free


Normal Total Cost - £1160

Your Total Cost - £550





4 Group Clearing Gatherings

2 Free Meditation Audios

Mystery Bonus Gift

Limited Spaces Available

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Awaken to the mystery of being here and enter the quiet immensity of your own presence. Have joy and peace in the temple of your senses.

Receive encouragement when new frontiers beckon. 

Respond to the call of your gift and the courage to follow its path...May your outer dignity mirror an inner dignity of soul. May you take time to celebrate the quiet miracles that seek no attention...

May you experience each day as a sacred gift woven around the heart of wonder.

John O'Donohue

If the opportunity to participate in this transformation calls you, it is with heartfelt encouragement that I recommend you register sooner in order to avoid disappointment. 

Due to the personal nature of this work, my time and commitment will be dedicated to a limited number of people only. 


Places and bookings will be given on a first come, first serve basis.

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